Market Report

Sprott Gold Market Outlook

Sprott Gold Market Outlook

Support Remains in Place for the Gold Bull Market to Continue

• Gold has established a new trading range beyond the last decade’s average price

• Gold prices have reached new levels in multiple currencies

• Demand for physical gold has accelerated since equity markets peaked in February

• Investors shunning Treasuries for more exposure to precious metals


Wealth Management Report

Wealth Management Report

COVID-19 has clearly become the single most important driver for financial markets over the last several months. After posting some of the sharpest losses on record in March, equity markets have shown signs of recovery recently, but remain below their peak levels from earlier this year. In the immediate future, the market is likely to focus on how quickly lockdown measures are eased and the pace of the recovery in corporate profits.

COVID 19: Cat Bonds und ILS - ein Fels in der Brandung

 COVID 19: Cat Bonds und ILS - ein Fels in der Brandung

Die durch die Corona-Krise hervorgerufenen signifikanten Einschränkungen im Wirtschafts leben führten zu massiven Einbrüchen in vielen Anlagesegmenten. In dieser Phase grosser Unsicherheit und Volatilität konnten ILS - Cat Bonds, transformierte Rückversicherungs verträge und ähnliche Anlageinstrumente - einmal mehr ihre positiven Eigenschaften als stabilisierendes Element in einem Anlageportfolio beweisen.